Chocolate and Love is excellent quality, ethically-made, organic chocolate at an affordable price.
The nine delicious 80g variants include two pure chocolate bars – 80% Panama and 71% Rich Dark – and seven others with stunning flavours mixed into them, all of which are wrapped in bespoke hand-painted designs. Seven of our 80g bars are suitable for vegans.
The brand’s lowest cocoa content product for our dark chocolate is 55% and for our milk chocolate it is high at 50% cocoa.
We believe in More Cacao – Less Sugar.
We use only the best cacao and other ingredients available to produce an organic chocolate of the finest quality.
The Chocolate and Love collection uses only certified organic ingredients. Organic produce can be traced from the farm to the fork with every process along the way obtaining a certificate of conformity. If the product is altered in any way the operation must be registered and certified.
This enables full traceability. Consumers can rely on the fact that products comply with organic standards and have been produced and/or processed by approved operators. Certification provides assurance that this is the case.
We use FSC-certified paper for the outside paper wrapper of the 80g and 40g bars; paper from responsibly managed forests.
In the production of our wrappers, our printer does not use MOSH & MOAH mineral oils; they do not use any colour or varnish with mineral oil. Also, no mineral oils are used in the ink, glue or cardboard in the production of our gift boxes.
The inside wrapper is a transparent plastic-free film based on renewable resources as it is made from wood pulp from sustainably harvested wood. It is fully compostable and the foil is certified to EU and US biodegradability and composting standards in both industrial and home composting environments (EN13432, EN14995, ASTMD6400 and ISO 17088).
Our chocolates are sent to you in eco-friendly packaging; in recycled and 100% recyclable and sustainably sourced cardboard boxes.

RICH DARK dark chocolate
POMEGRANATE dark chocolate with pomegranate
MADAGASCAR single origin dark chocolate
MINT dark chocolate with mint crunch
ORANGE dark chocolate with orange
COFFEE dark chocolate with Arabica coffee
CREAMY DARK creamy dark chocolate with cacao nibs
SEA SALT dark chocolate with caramel and sea salt
MILK HAZELNUT milk chocolate with caramelised hazelnuts and sea salt
SEA SALT dark chocolate with Vegan caramel and sea salt